This Spring, starting March 27, I will teach a new class on Afghanistan and Pakistan for 8 weeks at the University of Denver, University College, Osher Lifetime Learning Institute (OLLI). It is a non- credit class, open to the public through membership in "OLLI". I believe there are currently 29 registrants, and that the maximum seating is for 40. For more information about this, and other classes at OLLI, and membership information, please go to:
The previous two classes have had a significant emphasis on Afghanistan. This class will be more evenly structured to include more Pakistan material and discussion. Here is the syllabus, for your interest:
Geopolitics in the Center of Asia
9:30- 11:30, Wednesdays, March 27- May 15, 2013
Facilitator: Jim Frasché
There is no required text for the class. HOWEVER, anyone who reads the following two books will be best prepared to take maximum advantage of the presentations and class discussions:
Ziring, Lawrence, “Pakistan At The Crosscurrent of History”, Oxford. One World, 2003. ISBN 1-85168-327-5
AND either:
Crile, George. “Charlie Wilson’s War”, New York. Grove Press, 2003. ISBN 0-8021-4124-2
Kaplan, Robert D. “Soldiers of God. With Islamic Warriors in Afghanistan and Pakistan”, New York, Vintage Books.2001. ISBN 1-4000-3025-0
Recommended readings are generally available on the internet at no cost through the captioned links under each class session in the syllabus, below. They are highly recommended and readers will be best prepared for the class sessions.
Much is written and reported about Afghanistan and Pakistan politics and security, but very little is generally understood about the underlying historical, sociological, geopolitical, economic, and even geographic dimensions to the region. The suggested readings address these areas of interest.
Presentations and discussions will address:
Class 1.
For millennia, and up to modern times, empires seeking wealth and power invaded or at least crossed Afghanistan. What is the significance of this location and history? What are their implications today?
Suggested reading:
- “The Geopolitics of US Interests in South Asia”, A.Z.Hilali, University of
Peshawar, Ashgate, 2005 (handout to be sent to class Members by
- Silk Road Map and narrative:
Class 2.
Geography, geology, and natural resources: Why are Afghanistan's neighbors (and others, including Pakistan) so concerned about who controls Afghanistan?
Suggested reading:
- “The Geopolitics of Oil Pipelines in Central Asia”, SRAS, 2007:
Class 3.
Nationalism and Identity in Afghanistan: What are the opportunities and
challenges in moving beyond being a country of tribes to becoming a Nation?
Suggested Reading:
- “The Importance of Tribal Structures and Pakhtunwali In Afghanistan”,
Shahmahmood Miakhel, undated. To be sent by email to class Members.
- “Crime and Insurgency In the Tribal Areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan”,
Gretchen Peters, US Military Academy 2010:
Class 4.
Pakistan's identity crisis: borne of violence and betrayal, surrounded by hostile neighbors, its identity defined by territorial loss and "Islam in Danger"
Suggested Reading:
- “Afghanistan- Pakistan Relations: History and Geopolitics in a Regional
and International Context”, Shibil Siddiqi, Walter and Duncan Gordon
Foundation, undated:
Class 5.
Shared Populations: Iranian, Pakistani, Arab, Uzbek, and Turkish issues with Hazara, Pashtun, Baluchi, Arab, Uzbek, and Turkoman minorities.
Suggested Reading:
- “Afghan Insurgents Show Foreign Influence”, Sean Naylor, “Marine Corps
Times”, June, 2009:
Class 6.
Big Power Politics: US, Russian, Chinese, and Indian interests.
Suggested Reading:
-“India In Afghanistan And Beyond: Opportunities and Constraints”, C. Christine Fair, The Century Foundation, 2010:
-“The Emerging China- Afghanistan Relationship”, CACI, 2008:
“Saudi Arabia And The Future of Afghanistan”, Council on Foreign Relations, 2010:
Class 7.
Who are the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, Hizb-e-Islami, The Haqqani Network, and the PRMI? Can/should they be negotiated with, and what is an appropriate role for them in future Afghan and Pakistani regimes?
- “Afghanistan’s Islamist Groups”, Haqqani, Hudson Institute:
- Jundallah Profile, Radio Free Europe 2010:
Class 8.
Islam in local power structures: Going beyond the Afghan and Pakistani constitutions to the village level in defining human rights, "progress", and political control.
- “Afghanistan’s Islamist Groups”, Haqqani, Hudson Institute:
- “Analysis: Wahhabism”, PBS Frontline, Interview with Ali al Ahmed, undated:
Please be sure to notify the Facilitator if you decide to drop the class. This will enable another person to join from the wait list. Thank you!
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